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Now, now, now

May 2024

ASNR and Las Vegas. Yeah!

March 2024

Basic neuroradiologist work, some AI science and some sports.

September 2023

Back to work after summer vacation. Lots of great new papers on Research section, check those out!

June 2023

More coding and testing with LLMs. Building our PEKKA.ai platform for our own AI models.

January 2023

More more on AI applications. Coding, coding… I hope I can publish something soon in my Github.

December 2022

I was appointed as a associate professor in radiology in University of Turku.

More work on AI, mainly coding. Some manuscipts are of course in progress. Made a dicom node that can process dicom images with Stable Diffusion and warps results back to proper dicom images. Wonderful results with that :)

November 2022

All kinds of stuff mainly related to AI applications. In work and home. Interesting…

August 2022

More great articles have been published! You can see them here. Back to normal routine in emergency radiology dep. Planning to attend ESNR Annual Meeting 2022 in Lisbon, lets see if that is possible.

May 2022

Few great new articles has been published! You can see them here.

January 2022

Back to more restrictions with omicron. Basic daily work in emergency radiology and neurorad.

September 2021

Back to basics so emergency radiology, some science and lots of reading. End of COVID times are nearing and calendar is filling with events. Good I think?

April 2021

Even more work with AI and other interesting science projects. Hopefully last months with covid restrictions. We will see.

December 2020

Lot’s of work around AI. Learning the method and things around it: python, math, etc. Good times :)

Novenber 2020

Joe Biden. COVIC-19 vaccine promises. Good.

October 2020

COVID-19 still plays a major role on daily matters. New rules are issued almost daily in hospital or in out department. My work baseline is radiology and then doing some science and some IT stuff. Spending lot’s of time at home. It is ok.

September 2020

COVID-19 has forced new things to be adapted fast. Working from home is now a routine for us also in emergency radiology. No trips abroad, no meetings if not really necessary. Good.

January 2020

Basic radiology work and some science. Quite a good balance. Doing my circuit workouts, lot’s of walking and daily meditation. Ryan Holidays book “Stillness is the Key” is just perfect. Highly recommended.

September 2019

Lot’s of emergency and neuroradiology. Next week to Oslo for ECNR 2019. Trying to ease up a bit.

August 2019

Back to work. Doing lot’s of basic emergency- and neurooradiology. Upgraded our radiology teaching classrooms to newest MacOS and swithed to using Horos instead of OsiriX, that’s about 35 iMacs worth of machines. Got a new server for science data and installed Orthanc using Docker for that. Orthanc is seems really good pacs software and also Docker has been fantastic.

Started running again and it feels good. Freeletics is still on the almost daily menu and meditation using Waking Up app is in daily use. I would really recommed to try both of those apps!

July 2019

I defended my thesis in june and had a wonderfull time! I had great discussions with my oppenent Prof. Lars Farde. Great to have that project now done.

I’m now on summer vacation and focusing on relaxing. That includes freeletics, meditation and spending time with my family. I bought an iPad Pro with keyboard cover and loving it :)

May 2019

Daily work as a neuroradiologist in Emergency Radiology Department at Turku University Hospital takes up most of my time and attention. I will be attending ASNR in Boston this month.

I have just finished my thesis on imaging NK1-recepors in humans using PET. Public defending of the thesis will take place in 14.6.

Using machine learning and convolutional neural networks could be useful in enemergency radiology. I’m now doing work on this. Preliminary results are promising!

I have a daily meditation practise and I’m now using Waking Up app for it. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in meditation.

For my daily exercises I’m now doing Freeletics. Those are circuit/HIIT type full body workouts which are easily customized to your daily possibilities (time, equipment).

© 2008–2024 Mikko Nyman